TEZA, Emilio. Venice 14.9.1831 — Padua 28.3./30.4.1912. Italian Indologist. Professor in Pisa and Padua. Studies at Padova, then at Vienna Greek, Slavistics and Hungarian, also Sanskrit under Boller. Back in Italy worked as librarian in Marciana (Venice) and Laurenziana (Florence). In 1860-66 Professore di letterature moderne comparate at Bologna (taught Sanskrit, too). In 1866-89 Professor of Sanskrit (di sanscrito e storiaco-comparata delle lingue classiche) at Pisa and in 1889-1912 at Padova.
Teza was a many-sided linguist, who understood Sanskrit, Pāli, Iranian, IE, Coptic, Arabic, Armenian, many European languages (he had good knowledge of Finnish), Malay, Manchu, etc. However, he was more interested in literature than linguistics. Published mainly small articles. Among his students was Pavolini.
Publications: Great number of small articles, those over 25 pages listed here:
– “Laghu-Cāṇakyam. Sentenze Indiane”, Annali delle Univ. Toscane 16, Pisa 1879, 352-404; “L’arte degli scrittori presso ai buddiani”, Atti e Mem. Accad. Padova 9, 1893, 285-310; “Un centinaio di sentenze morali di Bhartṛhari”, Ibid. 13, 1897, 225-264; “I Raguidi di Calidaso Tentata versione in strofe di varia misura del primo canto”, Atti del R. Ist. Veneto 64:2, 1904-05, 1299-1320.
– Mazzolino di fiori indiani, colto da E.T. Padova 1910 (transl. from Ind. Spr.).
– “Il canto XVI del Calevala. Mancato tre parole”, R. Istit. Veneto 1894; “Mangiurica. Note raccolte”, AUT 1:16, Pisa 1879, 135-220; “La natura dell’ uomo di Nemesio e le vecchie traduzioni”, Atti Istit. Veneto 7:4, 1892, 1239-1279.
– Translated German, English and Russian, etc. poetry into Italian, e.g. Goethe’s Faust.
Sources: *Crescini, Atti del R. Ist. Veneto 73:1, 1913-14 (bibliography of 632 items); Franci 1991, 203f.; *C. Frati, Bibliografia di E.T. Venice 1913; E.N. Setälä, FUFAnz 12, 1912, 146f.; *GSAI 25, 1911?, 352; works in Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911; German and Italian Wikipedia with photo; another photo in the Finnish journal Valvoja 25, 1905, 777.
*R. Peca-Conti, Carteggio Graziadio Isaia Ascoli – Emilio Teza. Pisa 1978.
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