THEOBALD, William. Marylebone, London 1829 — Ilfracombe, Devon 31.3.1908. British Naturalist in India. Son of the elder William Theobald and Anna Bishop, early years unclear. He arrived at Calcutta in 1847, worked in a coal company and became acquainted with Joseph Hooker. He joined the Geological Survey of India and participated in the survey of Pegu (Burma) 1855-73. From 1876 its Deputy Superintendent of Bengal in Calcutta. Retired in 1881 and settled in Devon. He was a keen naturalist who found many new species of animals and plants, but also had wide literary interests.

Publications: Descriptive Catalogue of the Reptiles of British India. 298 p. Calcutta 1876, several works on freshwater snails and other writings on natural history.

On the authorship of the sonnets attributed to Shakespeare. An inquiry into the respective claims of Bacon, Sir Philip Sidney, and others, to be their author. 27 p. 1896; and further Shakespearana.

– “Notes on some of the Symbols on the Coins of Kunanda”, JASB 55:1, 1886, 341; “A Revision of the Symbols on the ‘Karshapana’ Coinage, described in vol. LIX, JASB, 1890, Part I, No. 3 and Description of many additional Symbols”, JASB 70, 1901, 38–88; “Copper Coins of Ancient India”, JASB 70, 1901, 64-88; etc.

Sources: Wikipedia; parents in

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