TROICKIJ, Mihail Sergeevič

TROICKIJ, Mihail Sergeevič. Tiflis (Tbilisi) 1901 — 1937?. Russian Indo-Tibetologist. Son of a teacher and nobleman, grew up in Kiev. In 1920 joined the Red Army, in 1926 the Communist Party. From 1928 Ščerbatskoj’s student at Oriental Institute, Leningrad, graduated 1931. He worked at Oriental Institute and now also learned Pāli, Tibetan, Hindi, Urdu and Tamil. Degree of kand. 1936. Until arrest in charge of relations of the Institute to the Communist Party. He was preparing a dissertation on Tibetan, when he was arrested 29.5.1937, sentenced for five years, sent to Kolyma – and disappeared. Rehabilitated in 1957.

Publications: Kand. diss. Materialy v drevnej Indii. Manuscript 1936 (on ancient Indian materialism)

Sources: Vasil’kov & Sorokina 2003, 377f. with photo; with photo (based on V & S); not in Miliband 1995.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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