TURNBULL, Archibald. West Binnie, Kirkliston, West Lothian 26.7.1855 — Poldrail, Linlithgow, West Lothian 3.1.1905. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Son of Archibald Turnbull and Agnes Wilson. B.D. As a Church of Scotland missionary worked from 1878 as teacher in Darjeeling. Returned before 1891. Married 1882 Mary Jane M’Diarmid (1858?–1898), then 1900 Katherine Agnes Fergusson (née Wemyss), four daughters and two sons from the first marriage.
Publications: Nepali, i.e. Gorkhali or Parbate Grammar and Vocabulary. 2nd ed. 185 p. Darjeeling 1904 (wholly revised from the 1887 edition).
– Participated in Nepālī Bible translation.
Sources: lornahen.com/RootsWeb/g2/p1278.htm#i31933; stray notes in Internet.
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