ROBERTS, Ernest Stewart. Swineshead, Lincolnshire 1847 — Cambridge 16.6.1912. Rev. British Linguist. Lecturer in Cambridge. Son of Dr. Stewart Blacker Roberts and Selina Milson. Educated at Boston School, studies at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Fellow there 1870, Tutor 1876, Senior Tutor 1885, President 1894 (or 1904?). Ordained priest 1879. From 1884 University Lecturer in Comparative Philology. From 1903 Master of Gonville and Caius College, in 1906-08 Vice-Chancellor. Married 1886 Mary Harper (1857–1941), one son and two daughters.
Publications: Translated: Pezzi: D. Pezzi’s Aryan philology according to the most recent researches (Glottologia aria recentissima). 15+199 p. L. 1879.
– With E. A. Gardner, An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy. 1-2. Cambridge 1887-1905.
Sources: Who Was Who 1897–1915; Wikipedia with portrait.
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