RÖNNOW, Kasten Anders. Stockholm 24.1.1897 — Uppsala 2.5.1943. Swedish Indologist and Historian of Religions. Son of director August Rönnow and Hilda Jonsson, educated in Stockholm. Studied under Charpentier at Uppsala: Fil.kand. (M.A.) 1918, Fil.lic. 1923, Ph.D. 1927 Uppsala. Further studies in Munich and Paris. From 1928 Docent of Indology at Uppsala, until his death. Acting Professor at Uppsala in 1929, 1934 and 1935-36, at Lund 1932-33. Married 1931, two daughters and one son. Died after a minor surgical operation. Beside Veda he was interested in comparison of Indian and Greek religion.
Publications: Diss. Trita Āptya. 1. 28+181+2 p. UUÅ 1927:5. Uppsala 1927.
– “Zur Erklärung des Pravargya, des Agnicayana und der Sautrāmaṇī”, MO 23, 1929, 113-173; “Viśvarūpa”, BSOS 6:2, 1931, 469-480; “Die Verse der Sarparājñī, Rigveda 10, 189”, MO 25, 1931, 269-288.
– “Some Remarks on Śvetadvīpa”, BSOS 5, 1929, 253-284; “Kirāta. A Study of some Ancient Indian Tribes”, MO 30, 1936, 90-170.
– “Ved. kratu-. Eine wortgeschichtliche Untersuchung”, MO 26-27, 1932-33, 1-90; “Ved. barháṇā”, BSOS 9:1, 1937, 55-68; “Ved. krívi”, AO 16, 1938, 161-180.
– “Zagreus och Dionysis”, Religion och Bibel: Nathan. Söderblom-sällskapets årsbok 1942, 14-48.
Sources: T. Frängsmyr, Akademiska interiörer. Uppsala 2021, 111; *S. Wikander, Religion och Bibel 3, 1944, 45-53; UUM 1936 & 1937–1950, with bibliography; ancestry.com; photo in Sardesai.
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