RUELL (de Ruël), Joannes. Leiden 1659/60 or 1663/64 — Colombo ?.5.1701. Dutch Priest in Ceylon, worked there as predikant in Colombo from 1692 until death, from 1698 also the first Rector of Sinhalese Seminary. He prepared a Sinhalese grammar, which was printed in Amsterdam in 1707 with help of “Sinhala types of wood-cuts”.
Publications: Grammatica, of Singaleesche taal-kunst, zynde een korte methode om de voornaamste fondamenten van de Singaleesche spraak te leeren. 179 p. Amsterdam 1707; religious translations.
Sources:; briefly in G. P. V. Somaratna, “The History of the Sinhala Bible”, JRAS-CB 34, 1989/ 90, 41-64 on p. 43.
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