WAGENER, Auguste

WAGENER, Auguste. Roermund (Netherlands) 8.6.1829 — Gand (Ghent) 14.5.1896. Belgian Classical Philologist. Professor in Ghent. Born in the Netherlands, son of Jan-Baptist Wagener, a teacher of Luxemburgian origin, and Catherine Reuter, educated in Roermund. In 1845-49 studied at Bonn Classics (Ritschl) and Sanskrit (Lassen). Ph.D. 1849 Bonn. A second doctorate, in order to get a chair in Belgium, 1850 Liège. From 1850 agrégé at Université de Gand, taught first Moral Philosophy. After further studies in Paris he was sent by the government in c. 1852-53 to Greece and Asia Minor. From 1858 eo. Professor, from 1862 ord., at Ghent, where he taught Latin Philology in 1854-61, Classical Literature 1854-64, Roman Antiquities 1861-83, Ancient History 1868-78 and Greek Epigraphy 1890-95. In 1878-95 administrateur-inspecteur of the university. In 1882-86 Member of Parliament (leftist liberal). Married 1858 Emma Angelica de Rote (1834–1866), again 1874 Mathilde Theresia van Loo (1831–1899), no children.

Wagener was mainly (in his later years entirely) a classical philologist. He was the first to start methodical comparison between Indian and Greek fables, but was soon eclipsed by Benfey and Hertel. In his early years in Ghent he was much hated by local clericals for his liberal views.

Publications: Diss. M. Porcii Catonis Originum Fragmenta. 1849.

Studies and editions of Aeschines, Asconius, Cicero, Plutarch, Tacitus; studies of ancient music.

Rapports entre les apologues de l’Inde et les apologues de la Grèce. 126 p. Acad. R. de Belgique, Mém. couronnés 25. 1854.

Sources: *W. Dambré, A.W. (1829–1896). Een leven voor het onderwijs. Ghent 1987; A. Roersch, B.N.B. 27, 1938, 27-31; José Verschaeren, N.B.W. 13, 1990, 862-870; Dutch Wikipedia with photo and further references. Photo in Dict. biogr. des sciences, des lettres et des arts en Belgique 2.

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