WATERHOUSE, James. London 24.7.1842 — Eltham, London 28.9.1922. British Colonial Officer and Photographer in India. Son of James William W., a solicitor, and his wife Mary. Educated at King’s College and University College School, then at Addiscombe. From 1859 Lieutenant in Royal Bengal Artillery. From 1866 served in various positions in the Survey of India, from 1875 Assistant Surveyor-General. Also in charge of many astronomical observations. In 1888-90 President of the A.S.B. Retired in 1897 as Major-General and returned to England.

Publications: Illustrated The People of India. 1-8. L. 1868-75, and J. Fergusson’s Tree and serpent worship. L. 1868, and other works on photography.

Report on the cartographic applications of photography. 1870; Report on the operations connected with the observation of the total solar eclipse of April 6th 1875, at Camorta in the Nicobar Islands. Calcutta 1875 (with own photographs); and other works.

Articles in the JASB, Journal of the Photographic Society of India, etc.

– J. Falconer (ed.): Waterhouse albums: Central Indian provinces. 262 p. Ahmedabad 2009.

Sources: J. Falconer, A Biographical Dictionary of 19th Century Photographers in South and South-East Asia in www.luminous-lint.com/app/photographer/James__Waterhouse/ABCDEF/; Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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