WELDEN, Ellwood Austin

WELDEN, Ellwood Austin. 1883 — 19??. U.S. Diplomat, former Student of Indology. Studies of comparative philology (with Sanskrit), Classics and Romance linguistics at University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D. 1906 there. Further studies at Harvard, Berlin and Bologna. From 1910 Lecturer in Romance Languages at Bryn Mawr. In WW I served as Lieutenant, then Captain, until 1919. Then Master of French and Greek at Lawrenceville Academy. From 1923-27 working for the United States Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in Vienna. After this taught at University of Maine. Perhaps he died soon as there are no hints of later activity.

Publications: Diss. The Sāṁkhyakārikās of Īśvarakṛṣṇa with the Commentary of Gauḍapāda. Manuscript 1906 (15 pages summary published, Philadelphia 1913).

– “Ṛig-Veda I, 32, 8”, AJPh 31, 1910, 329f.; “The Sāṁkhya Term Liṅga”, AJPh 31, 1910, 445-449; “The Sāṁkhya Teachings in the Maitrī Upaniṣad”, AJPh 35, 1914, 32-51.

– “I metri delle Sāmkhya-kārikās”, 16 p. Appendix to Pullé, Belloni-Filippi and Ballini, Le Dottrine metriche degl’Indi. S.F.I.I. 8. Florence 1912.

– In the 1920s wrote on Africa and on European economy.

Sources: The Maine Campus 12.1.1927, 6 (weekly, now in Internet); worldcat.org.

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