WILKINS, Gordon S.

WILKINS, Gordon Smedley. Derby 2.3.1869 — Bromley, Kent 5.1.1957. Rev. British Baptist Missionary in India. Son of George Wilkins (1830–1886) and Mary Stevenson. Worked in Sambalpur 1892-95, Berhampur 1895-1907, Cuttack 1907-09, Russekonda 1909-11, Berhampur 1911-13, Padampur 1913-16 and Cuttack 1916-27. In retirement living in London. Married Ellen Lucy Pike (1872–1958), the daughter of Rev. —> J. G. Pike, three daughters and one son.

Publications: Completed J. G. Pike’s: A Comprehensive English–Oriya Dictionary. 1-2. 684 p. Cuttack 1916-23 (vol. 2 by Wilkins alone).

Sources: Anual Report of the Baptist Missionary Society 144, 1936; ancestry.com.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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