WILLIAMS, Alfred Owen. South Marston near Swindon, Wiltshire 7.2.1877 — Ibid. 10.4.1930. “The Hammerman Poet”. British Poet interested in Sanskrit Literature. Son of carpenter Elias Williams, who soon left his family in poverty. He was a self-taught man, who worked many years in railways, finally retiring with broken health. In World War I, already middle-aged, he served as a gunner in India 1917-19, became interested in the country and taught himself Sanskrit. Married 1903 Mary Peck (died in May 1930). His books were no great success and he remained poor all his life. Died of heart failure.

Publications: Translated: Tales from the Pañcatantra. 15+207 p. Oxford 1930.

Six volumes of poetry (first in 1909) and some prose books.

Sources: Postscript to the Pañcatantra; *L. Clark, A.W., his life and work. 11+206 p. Bristol 1945; St. Mill-Osborne in hungerfordcare.com with three photos; Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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