WILSON, Charles Robert. Old Charlton, Kent 27.3.1863 — Clapham, London 24.7.1904. British Civil Servant (Teacher) in India, Historian of the Colonial Period. Son of Charles Wilson, an army tutor, and Charlotte Woodthorpe Childs (1817–1905). “Educated at City of London School and Wadham College, Oxford [B.A. 1887]; entered the Bengal Education Department, 1887. Was Principal of the Patna College, also Assistant Secretary to the Government of India, and in charge of the Records.” D.Litt. 1902 Oxford. Unmarried. He was an eager student of historical records and worked specially on the history of the Black Hole of Calcutta.
Publications: Inscriptions on Tombs and Monuments in Bengal. 5+12+248+16 p. Calcutta 1896; Descriptive Catalogue of the paintings, statues, framed prints, copper plates and other curiosities, in the Rooms of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 60 p. Calcutta 1897.
– Edited: The Early Annals of the English in Bengal. 1-3. L. 1895-1910; Old Fort William in Bengal. 1-2. Indian Records Series. L. 1906.
– Articles on the Black Hole of Calcutta in JASB.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; J.S.C[otton], D.N.B. Suppl. 3, 1912, 687; Wikipedia (from Cotton).
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