WINDISCHMANN, Friedrich Heinrich Hugo. Aschaffenburg 13.12.1811 — Munich 23.8.1861. German Indo-Iranian Scholar and Theologian, Catholic Priest. Son of Professor —> K.J.H.W. (1775–1839) and Anna Maria Pizzala, educated in Bonn. In 1827-32 studied at Bonn philosophy (under his father), classics and Sanskrit (von Schlegel & Lassen). Ph.D. 1832 Bonn. From 1832 studied Theology at Bonn, Munich and Venice. Dr.Theol. 1836 Munich, also ordained as priest. From 1836 Secretary to Archbishop, from 1838 Professor of New Testament Exegetics and Canonical Law at Munich. From 1839 also Domcapitular, 1842 Member of Bavarian AW. From 1846 Generalvicar to Archbishop, in 1854 accompanied Archbishop Reisach to Rome. From 1856 Domcapitular. In later years often ill.

As a philologist Windischmannwas mainly a student of Lassen. He knew Sanskrit well, using e.g. the Upaniṣad editions of Roy. More important he was as a specialist of Zoroastrian religion, who minutely studied original texts and whose achievements were much later (by E. Kuhn) deemed considerable. As a theologian and priest he eagerly participated in church politics and vigorously defended the independence of the church. As vicar he was an autocrat, who was often criticised  by theologians and lower clergy, but as a man he was deemed agreeable.

Publications: Diss. publ. in Sancara sive de theologumenis Vedanticorum. 1. 16+189 p. Bonn 1833 (diss. = p. 5-38, edition & transl. of the Bālabodhanī).

Several translations from Sanskrit in the different vols. of his father’s Philosophie im Fortgang der Weltgeschichte. Bonn 1827ff.

Review of the Calcutta ed. of Vedāntasāra 1829, Jb. f. wiss. Kr. 1835:2, 839-856.

– “Über ein indisches philosophisches Gespräch”, Münch. Gel.Anz. 18, 1844, 581-591 (analysis of the Vidvanmodataraṅginī).

– “Die Grundlage des Armenischen im Arischen Sprachstamme”, ABaAW 4, 1846, 1-49; “Über die grosse Keil-Inschrift des Königs Darius zu Bisutun”, Münch. Gel.Anz. 30, 1850, 89-103.

– “Über den Somacultus der Arier”, ABaAW 4:2, 1847, 125-142; “Ursagen der arischen Völker”, ABaAW 7, 1855, 1-20.

– “Die persische Anahita oder Anaïtis. Ein Beitrag zur Mythengeschichte des Orients”, ABaAW 8, 1858 (1856), 85-128; Mithra. Ein Beitrag zur Mythengeschichte des Orients. 87 p. AKM 1:1. Lp. 1857; Zoroastrische Studien. Hrsg. von F. Spiegel. 12+324 p. Berlin 1863.

Smaller articles and reviews.

– “Didascaliae Plautinae”, Rh.Mus. 1, 1832; Vindiciae Petrinae. 1836 (diss.theol.); other theological publications.

Sources: E. Kuhn, A.D.B. 43, 1898, 418-420; *F. Nève, “F.W. et la haute philologie en Allemande”, Le Correspondent 59, 1863; *J. Sighart, Dr. F.W. Ein Lebensbild. Augsburg 1861; *M. A. Strodl, F.H.H.W. Munich 1862; Windisch 210f.; Wikipedia (more in German version).

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