WINDISCHMANN, Karl Joseph Hieronymus

WINDISCHMANN, Karl Joseph Hieronymus. Mainz 24.8.1775 — Bonn 23.4.1839. German Philosopher. Professor in Bonn. Father of —> Friedrich W. (1811–1861). Born and educated in Mainz. Studied philosophy at Mainz, soon moved to Würzburg because of French invasion, now also took medicine and science, 1796 Mainz, then one year in Vienna. For a while worked as physician in Mainz, 1801 court physician in Aschaffenburg. From 1803 Professor at Aschaffenburg Lyceum (where Bopp was his pupil), from 1818 at Bonn University, taught also medicine. Like Deussen in the end of the same century, he attempted to fully include Asian thought in his history of philosophy. Concerning India he was helped by Lassen and later by his son. Friend of Fr. Schlegel. Married 1797 Anna Maria Pizzala (1777?–1854), another son became Professor of medicine.

Publications: Die Philosophie im Fortgang der Weltgeschichte. Erster Theil. Die Grundlagen der Philosophie im Morgenlande. Erste Abtheilung: Erstes Buch. Sina. 52+514 p. Bonn 1827; Zweite und Dritte Abth.: Zweites Buch. Indien. 1-2. 12+515–1526 p. Bonn 1832 (1829-32); Vierte Abth.: Zw. Buch. Indien. 3. 8+1527–1994 p. Bonn 1834.

– Edited Bopp’s Conjugationssystem with 116 p. “Vorerinnerungen”. Frankfurt a. M. 1816.

– Several further works not dealing with Asia,

Sources: *A. Dyroff, C.J.H.W. (1775–1839) und sein Kreis. Köln 1916; *Fr. Lauchert, A.D.B. 43, 1898, 420-422; Wikipedia with portrait, further references in German version.

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