WOLFENDEN, Stuart N. 1889 — 28.12.1938 (when 47). U.S. Tibeto-Burman Linguist. At University of California, Berkeley. Wolfenden was one of the pioneers of  comparative Tibeto-Burman linguistics.

Publications: Outlines of Tibeto-Burman Linguistic Morphology with special reference to the prefixes, infixes and suffixes of classical Tibetan and the languages of the Kachin, Bodo, Nǎgǎ, Kuki-Chin and Burma groups15+216 p. L. 1929.

Many articles on Tibetan and Tibeto-Burman, often in JRAS; e.g. “The Prefix m- with Certain Substantives in Tibetan”, Language 4, 1928, 277-280; “Notes on the Jyarung Dialect of Eastern Tibet”, TP 32, 1936, 167-204; “Concerning the Origins of Tibetan brgiad and Chinese  pwât ‘Eight’”, TP 34, 1938, 165-173.

Sources: G. Clauson, JRAS 1939, 507f.; briefly in Wikipedia (with bibliography), with Clauson as the only source. Nothing further in Internet, all repeat the same scanty information in same word.

Last Updated on 2 months by Admin


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