WOOD, Francis Asbury. Point Bluff, Wis. 17.1.1859 — La Jolla, Calif. 19.6.1948. U.S. IE and Germanic Linguist. Professor in Chicago. Son of Rev. Harvey Colcord Wood and Ann Jane Ellis. Educated at Northwestern University (A.B. 1880, A.M. 1883). In 1988-90 further studies at Göttingen in Germany. In 1890-93 Professor of Greek and Latin at Chaddock College in Qioncy, Illinois, 1893-95 Fellow in Germanic Languages and Literatures at University of Chicago. Ph.D. 1895 University of Chicago. In 1895-97 Assistant at Medill High School in Chicago, in 1897-1903 Professor of German at Cornell College, Ia. From 1903 taught Germanic Philology at University of Chicago: 1903-05 Instructor, 1905-09 Assistant Professor, 1909-14 Associate Professor, 1914-27 Professor, 1927 emeritus and moved to California. L.H.D. 1910 Northwestern University. Married with Rose H. Burt.
Publications: Diss. Verner’s Law in Gothic. The Reduplicating Verbs in Germanic. 43 p. Chicago 1895; Color-names and their congeners. 141 p. 1902; Indo-European “a : ai : au”. A Study in Ablaut and in Word Formation. 166 p. 1905 (the first part of the title often quoted in different ways).
– “Etymological Miscellany”, AJPh 21, 1900, 178-182; “How are Words Related?”, IF 18, 1905-06, 1-49; “Rime-words and Rime-ideas”, IF 22, 1907-08, 133-179; “Kontaminationsbildungen und haplologische Mischformen”, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 11, 1912, 295-328; “Etymologische Miszellen”, KZ 45, 1913, 61-71.
–“Names of Stinging, Gnawing and Rending Animals”, AJPh 41, 1920, 223-239 & 336-354; “Greek Fish-Names”, AJPh 48, 1927, 297-325 & 49, 1928, 36-56, 167-187; “Prothetic Vowels in Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Germanic”, AJPh 52, 1931, 105-144.
– Some parallel formations in English. 72 p. Baltimore 1913; Post-consonantal “W” in Indo-European. 124 p. Lang. Monogr. 3. Philadelphia 1926.
– Studies on Germanic languages and literature.
Sources: Who Was Who in Am. 2.
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