SEMIČËV (-čov), Boris Vladimirovič. St.Petersburg 26.10.(8.11.)1900 — Tomsk 17.2.1984. Russian Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of an official. Graduated 1929 from Leningrad Oriental Faculty in Indo-Tibetan philology (Ščerbatskoj). Kand. filol. nauk 1965. In 1928-32 naučnyj sotrudnik at Institute of Buddhist Culture, 1930-33 at Oriental Institute and from 1932 in Indian Department, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography; from 1955 at Buddhological Sector of Buryat Institute of Social Sciences in Ulan-Udè. In the twenties fieldwork in Transbaikalia.
Publications: At least 30 items, e.g.:
– “Matter according to the “Visuddhimaggo” of Buddhaghosa and the Abhidhammatthasangaho of Anuruddha”, Izv. AN SSSR Guman. nauk 1930:5, 319-345.
– Articles on Pāli and Tibetan philology in Zapiski Burjat.-Mong. NIIK 22, 1956, 126-135 & 144-149; Trudy Burjatskij kompl. naučno-issledovatel’skij institut Serija vostokovedenija 3, 1960, 58-68 & 235-260; 8, 1962, 117-136; 16, 1965, 22-33 & 132-144.
– With R. E. Rubaev: Proishoždenie i suščnost’ buddizma, lamaizma. 48 p. Ulan-Udè 1960.
– With Ju. M. Parfionovič: Kratkij tibetsko-russkij slovar’. 581 p. M. 1963.
– With A. F. Gammerman: Slovar’ tibetsko-latino-russkih nazvanij lekarstvennogo rastitel’nogo syr’ja, primenjaemogo v tibetskoj medicine. 80 p. Ulan-Udè 1963.
Sources: Miliband 1977, 1995; Russian Vikipedija with two photos.
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