BASTIAN, Philipp Wilhelm Adolf. Bremen 26.6.1826 — Port-of-Spain, Trinidad 2.2.1905. Catholic German Anthropologist, Psychologist, and Traveller, a pioneer of South-east Asian studies. Born in a merchant family, son of Hermann Theodor Bassus and Auguste Krafft. Studied biology and medicine at Berlin, Jena, Würzburg (under Virchow) and Prague (dr. med. 1850). In 1851 left as a ship’s physician for Australia, travelled eight years in Australia, South and North America, Asia, and Africa. Many further travels: 1861–66 in South-east Asia, 1873 in West Africa, 1975-75 in Central and South America, 1878-80 in India, Oceania, North America and Caribian, 1889-91 in Central Asia, India and East Africa, 1896-98 in South and South-east Asia, 1901-03 in Ceylon, and 1903-05 in Caribian. From 1869 PD für Völkerkunde and then ao. Professor at the Berlin University, and from1886 the first Director of the Museum für Völkerkunde. One of the pioneers of modern Anthropology, and the first to apply psychology into it.
Publications: Founded (1869) and edited the Zeitschrift für Ethnologie; “Ethnologie und vergleichende Linguistik”, ZfEthnol. 4, 1872, 137-162, 211-231; further articles in ZfEthnol.
– Der Mensch in der Geschichte; zur Begründung einer psychologischen Weltanschauung. 1-3. Lp. 1860; Ethnologische Forschungen. 1-2. Jena 1871-73; Die Rechtsverhältnisse bei verschiedenen Völkern der Erde. 80+435 p. B. 1872; Die Kulturländer des alten Amerika. 1-3. B. 1878-89.
– Die Völkerstämme am Brahmaputra und die verwandtschaftliche Nachbarn. 130 p. B. 1883.
– Weltauffassung der Buddhisten. 40 p. B. 1870; Der Buddhismus in seiner Psychologie. 298 p. B. 1882; and several articles on Buddhism (“Das Nirvana und die buddhistische Moral”, ZfEthnol. 3, 1871, 236-253).
– Die Völker des östlichen Asien. 1-6. Lp. 1866-71; Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malaiischen Archipels. 1-5. B. 1891; minor writings on Thai language and literature.
Sources: *B. Adler, Živaja Starina 15:1, 1906, 55-62; *A. v. Andrian, MittAnthrGesWien 36, 1906, 174-180; *H. Cordier, TP N.S. 6, 1905, 238; *O. Frankfurter, JSiamSoc 2, 1906, 67-69; *A. Grünwedel, Jahrb. Preuss. Kunstsamml. 26, 1905, v-vii (with portrait); *V. Hantzsch, Biogr. Jahrb. 10, 1907, 148-160; Éd. Huber, BEFEO 5, 1905, 249; *Lissauer, v.d. Steinen, v. Richthofen & Waldeyer, Z. f. Ethnol. 37, 1905, 234-256 (with portrait); H. Plischke, N.D.B. 1, 1953, 626f.; *K.Th. Preuss, “A.B. und die heutige Völkerkunde”, Baessler-Archiv 10, 1926, 3-15; *W. Seidensticker, Enzyklop. des Märchens 1, 1977, 1324-1327; *E.B. Tylor, Man 1905, 138-143 (with portrait); *I. Winkelmann, “A.B. – ein Beitrag zum Problem ‘Die Völkerkunde im Dienste der deutschen Kolonialpolitik’”, WZBerlin 12, 1963, 469-473; Wikipedia (with photo); photo in Baessler-Archiv N.F. 21 (46), 1973.
*K.P. Buchheit, Die Verkettung der Dinge. Stil und Diagnose im Schreiben Adolf Bastians (Concatenation of things : Style and Diagnosis as methods of Adolf Bastian’s writing and of writing Adolf Bastian). Münster 2005; Adolf Bastian and His Universal Archive of Humanity. The Origins of German Anthropology. Ed. by M. Fischer, P. Bolz & S. Kamel. 337 p. Hildesheim 2007.
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