SNYDER, Edmund Nathaniel. St.Louis, MO 25.3.1863 — Cleveland 1.10.1896. U.S. Student of Indology. Son of Joseph B. Snyder (1832–1915) and Christine Chiron (1839–1919), educated in Cleveland, Ohio. From 1882 studied classics at Harvard (A.B. 1886). From 1888 studied Indology (Weber) and comparative linguistics at Berlin. In 1890 taught one year Latin at Vassar College, then back to Germany. Ph.D. Leipzig 1891. Professor of German and French at University School near Cleveland. Married 1894 Sarah Maud Scovell (1867–1951), their daughter was born two weeks after his death.
Publications: Diss. Der Commentar und die Textüberlieferung des Mahāvaṁsa. 51 p. Berlin 1891.
Sources: Vita in diss.; life in Harvard College Class of 1886 secretary’s report, Issue 6, 1906, in
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