SOLMSEN, Felix. Schneidemühl, Hinterpommern (now Piła, Poland) 11.7.1865 — Mehlem near Bonn 13.6.1911. German Classical and IE Linguist. Professor in Bonn. Son of Heinrich Solmsen and Cäcilie Leszczynski. Studies of Classics and Comparative Linguistics at Berlin (J. Schmidt) and Leipzig (Brugmann and Leskien). Ph.D. 1886 Leipzig. PD 1893 Bonn. From 1897 ao. Professor at Bonn, 1909 ord. Died accidentally, falling under a train on station. Taught Sanskrit only twice, in 1905-06. Married Emilie (Lily) Brach (1969–1966), their son was Friedrich Solmsen (1904-1989), a classical philologist in the U.S.A., also one daughter.

Publications: Diss. “Sigma in Verbindung mit nasalen und liquiden im Griechischen”, KZ 29, 1888, 59-124, 329-358; many articles in KZ, etc. mainly dealing with Greek, Latin and Slavic, three monographs on Latin and Greek

Indogermanische Eigennamen als Spiegel der Kulturgeschichte. Hrsg. von E. Fraenkel. 261 p. Heidelberg 1922.

Sources: *E. Fraenkel, IF Anz. 32, 1913, 81-92; D.L.K. 22, 1900 & 28, 1906; briefly in BSL 1911;; German Wikipedia.

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