SPEAR, Thomas George Percival. Bath, Somerset 2.11.1901 — Cambridge 16.12.1982. British Historian of India. Educated at Monkton Combe School, studies at St.Catharine’s College, Cambridge. Ph.D. 1931. In 1924-40 taught European and English History at St.Stephen’s College in Delhi, a modern school supporting Gandhi and Tagore. During the war at Information Department of Indian Government, then returned to England in 1945. Fellow and Bursar of Selwyn College in Cambridge, then University Lecturer in South Asian History at Cambridge. Retired 1969. Married 1933 Margaret Perkins, a librarian, no children.
Publications: Diss. The Nabobs: a study of the social life of the English in eighteenth century India. 10+215 p. L. 1932.
– Delhi. An Historical Sketch. 103 p. 1937; Delhi. Its Monuments and History. 94 p. 1943 and new editions.
– The Twilight of the Mughals. Studies in Late Mughal Delhi. 10+269 p. Cambridge 1951 (on 1857).
– India, Pakistan and the West. Oxford 1949, 3rd ed. 256 p. L. 1958; India: A modern history. 10+491+19 p. Univ. of Michigan 1961.
– Ed. V. A. Smith: Oxford History of India. Part 3. Oxford 1958, also as The Oxford History of Modern India, 1740–1947. 426 p. Oxford 1965.
– History of India. Vol. 2. 288 p. Harmondsworth 1965 (1. by R. Thapar).
– Master of Bengal: Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive and his India. 224 p. L. 1975.
– With Margaret Spear: India remembered. 170 p. N.D. 1981.
Sources: *K. Ballhatchet, Oxford D.N.B. 2004; briefly in his 1965 book; briefly in Wikipedia (more in German version).
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