SPECHT, Edouard Prosper Emmanuel. Paris 26.2.1843 — Paris 2.3.1906. French Sinologist. Student of Pauthier. From 1892 until death taught Chinese at É.P.H.É., Section des sciences historiques et philologiques. As a Sinologist he concentrated on works dealing with India or translated from Sanskrit. He was one of those who tried to date Kaniṣka in the first century BCE. Married Louise Laure Andriot, one daughter.
Publications: “Études sur l’Asie Centrale d’après les historiens chinois”, JA 8:2, 1883, 317-350; “Études … II. Les Indo-Scythes et l’époque du règne de Kanichka”, JA 9:10, 1897, 152-193 & sep. P. 1897, 92 p.; “Note sur les Yué-tchi”, JA 8:2, 1890, 180-185.
– Review of Feer, Le Tibet, le pays, le peuple, la religion. in RHR 15, 1887, 109-112.
– “Deux traductions chinoises du Milindapanho”, Proceedings of the International Congress of Orientalists 9:1, 1892, 518-529.
– “Du déchiffrement des monnaies sino-ephthalites”, JA 9:17, 1901, 487-523.
– A few Sinological works.
Sources: *Barbier de Meynard, JA 10:7, 1906, 306-308; H.C[ordier], TP 7, 1906, 144; Annuaire de l’É.P.H.É. 1906, 150
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