STEDE, William F. (Wilhelm Friedrich Stede). 9.6.1882 — 5.7.1958. German Indologist in the U.K. University Teacher in London. Studies of Indology and comparative IE at Göttingen, Leipzig and Jena. Ph.D. 1913 Leipzig. Went to England and worked in 1908-11 as Assistant Lecturer of German, Gothic and Sanskrit at Liverpool University. During the WW I interned, but allowed to work with Rhys Davids on the Pāli Dictionary. Taught at S.O.A.S.: 1926-28 Additional Lecturer of Pāli, 1928-33 Lecturer in Pāli and Sanskrit, 1933-45 Senior Lecturer, 1945-49 Reader. Retired in 1949. In 1950-58 President of the P.T.S. Married 1912, daughter —> D. A. L. Maskell.
Publications: Diss. Über das Peta Vatthu. Mit einer Übers. der ersten 2 Bücher und einem Glossar. 122 p. Lp. 1914, also with another title as Die Gespenstergeschichten des Peta Vatthu.
– Edited: Cullaniddesa. 27+295 p. L., P.T.S. 1918.
– “List of the Padas of the Theragāthā and Therīgāthā”, JPTS 8, 1924-27, 31-226.
– Edited: Buddhaghosa: Sumaṅgala-Vilāsinī. Commentary on the Dīgha Nikāya. 1-3. L. 1886-1932 (P.T.S. Text Ser. 124-126; Vol. 1 by T. W. Rhys Davids & J. E. Carpenter, 2-3, 1931-32 by W.S.).
– With T. W. Rhys Davids: The Pali Text Society’s Pali-English Dictionary. 753 p. L. 1921-25.
Sources: Peiris, Buddhism 53f.; obituary by Sh. Hanayama reproduced without reference in
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