STORCK, Wilhelm

STORCK, Friedrich Wilhelm Paul. Letmathe, Kr. Iserlohn, Westfalen 5.7. 1829 — Münster 16.7.1905. German Linguist (German & Romance) interested in Pāli. Son of a teacher, educated in Arnsberg. From 1850 studies of Germanics at Munich, Münster, Bonn and Berlin. In Berlin also student of Bopp and Weber. Ph.D. 1858 Berlin. From 1862 ao. and 1868 ord. Professor of German Language and Literature at Münster, also taught Romance languages and occasionally Sanskrit (the first to do so at Münster). Married 1860 Antonie Kenter.

Publications: Diss. Grammaticae Palicae specimen. 1. De declinatione nominum substantivorum et adiectivorum in lingua Palica. 39 p. Berlin 1858.

Grammaticae Palicae specimen. 2. Casuum in lingua palica formatio comparata cum Sancritae lingua ratione. 40 p. Münster 1862 (Antrittsrede).

Much on Germanic and especially on Romance linguistics, translations (Jacopone da Todi 1864, Camões in 6 vols 1880-85), etc.

Sources: Diss. in Janert; German Wikipedia.

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