STUMPF, Peter. 26.1.1940 — 26.5.1977. German Tocharian Scholar. School in Berlin and from 1953 in Frankfurt. From 1959 studies of IE and Indology at Frankfurt. Ph.D. 1968 Frankfurt (under W. Thomas). Worked as Assistant at Frankfurt. Negative opinion of Thomas prevented the planned habilitation at Frankfurt. Died young of heart failure, just before planned habilitation under Winter at Kiel. Married.

Publications: Diss. publ. Der Gebrauch der Demonstrativ-Pronomina im Tocharischen. 19+158 p. Wb. 1971.

– “Die vokalische Sandhi im Tocharischen”, KZ 85, 1971, 96-133; “Westtocharisch se-seṁ: zwei Paradigmen oder nur eines?”, KZ 90, 1977, 114-127; a few further articles.

Hab. diss. publ. as Die Erscheiningsformen der Westtocharischen. 170 p. Tocharian and IE Studies Suppl. 2. Reykjavík 1990.

Sources: M. Peyrot, “Einleitung zu Peter Stumpfs ‘Anhang II: Analysen stufentypischen Handschriften’”, Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 13, 2012, 245-258; D.G.K. 12th ed. 1976; death in Kratylos.

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