SCHÖNBERG, Ignaz. Baraczhaza, Hungary (now Barateaz in Romania) 7.4.1860 (hardly 1856) — Vienna 29.1.1886. Austrian (or German) Indologist. Son of Markus Schönberg and Johanna Chaja Katalin. Educated in Temesvar (Timişoara) and Pest, in 1873 the family moved to Vienna. Student of Bühler at Vienna University, Ph.D. 1884. In May 1884 he came to Oxford to assist Monier Williams in his dictionary work, but was already ill with tuberculosis, and in July 1885 had to leave for home and died soon, a few months before his planned wedding with Minna Bernays, the sister-in-law of his friend Siegmund Freud.
Publications: Diss. “Kṣemendra’s Kavikaṇṭhâbharaṇa”, SWA 106, 1884, 477-504 (analysis with extracts edited & translated).
– Translated: Der Hitopadescha. Altindische Märchen und Sprüche. 27+227 p. Vienna 1884.
Sources: Diss. in Janert; Monier Williams, Sanskrit–English Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1899, xxxi; death date and parents in; often briefly mentioned in connection of Freud; photo in; an unpublished article of A. Wezler.
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