SCHÖNFELD, Karl. Schaffhausen 1878 — Locarno 10.7.1949. Swiss Teacher and former Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1909/10 Zürich. After school and gymnasium in Winterthur studied in 1897-98 classical and Romanic languages at Neuenburg (Neuchâtel) Academy, then 1898-1900 Sanskrit, IE, classics and Hebrew at Göttingen (Kielhorn) and 1900-03 classics and IE and philosophy at Zürich (Kaegi). From 1905 taught classics ar Winterthur Gymnasium, until 1928. Ph.D. 1910 Zürich (under Kaegi). In 1928 retired because of an illness and later moved with his wife to Locarno. He is characterized as deeply religious Christian.

Publications: Diss. Śilhana, Das Śāntiśataka, mit Einleitung, kritischen Apparat, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen hrsg. 137 p. Lp. 1910.

Sources: Vita in diss; W. Hünerwadel, Gymnasium Helveticum 4, 1950, 187.

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