SCHULEMANN, Werner. Neisse/Schlesien (now Nysa in Poland) 4.5.1888 — Bonn 20.6.1975. German Pharmacologist interested in Lamaism. Son of merchant Franz Sch. and Helene Meyer, brother of —> Günther Sch. Studies at Freiburg and Breslau. Dr.phil. Breslau 1913 (in chemistry) and 1914 Freiburg. Served as surgeon in WW I, then employed in chemical industry. From 1931 Professor at Düsseldorf Medical Academy and from 1938 Professor ord. of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Bonn, after WW II rejected as “Mitläufer” (member of NSDAP 1937), but allowed back in 1948. Retired 1955. Hon. dr. of several universities. Married 1915 Louise Lang (divorce 1929), one son, 1932 Hilde Meitzer (divorce 1933) and 1933 Elisabeth Auguste Klepping.

As a scientist Schulemann is known of his chemotherapy and malaria studies. Prompted by his brother he acquired a great collection of Lamaist cult implements and art (now in Cologne Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst). Travelled several times in Asia.

Publications: Wrote on chemistry and pharmacology.

Die Kunst Zentralasiens als Ausdrucksform religiösen Denkens. Tibet und die Mongolei als literarische Provinzen. 139 p. ill. 1967.

– “Der Inhalt eines tibetischen mč’od rten”, ZASt 3, 1969, 55-76.

Sources: ZASt 10, 1976, 666f. with photo; A.W. Holldorf, N.D.B. 23, 2007, 675f.; German Wikipedia with photo.

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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