SCHOEBEL, Charles (Karl)

SCHOEBEL, Charles (Karl Friedrich). Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg-Schwerin 20.10.1813 — Paris 8.12.1888 ( 16.11). German Indologist, Ethnograph and Linguist in France. Lost early his father, the elder Carl Schoebel, the chamberlain of the Grand Duke, who then supported his studies in Berlin. Around 1838 moved to France, first in Toulouse, soon to Paris. Studies of Indology (under Burnouf) and other subjects in Paris. From 1845 schoolteacher of German at Lycée of Reims and at Collège de Sainte-Barbe in Paris. Married Marcelle Falloux (divorce 1850), one daughter.

Schoebel was a productive, but long-forgotten scholar, whose impact was never important. Titles suggest a degree of religious motivation (in order to get married he had joined Catholic church, but remained critical). In 1872 (if not earlier) he attempted to show that the “original Indo-Iranian religion” was monotheistic. He is also remembered of his misplaced criticism of J. Oppert and the decipherment of Akkadian Cuneiform.

Publications: Analogies constitutives de la langue allemande avec le grec et le latin, expliquées par le sanscrit. 186 p. P. 1846.

Translated: “Dhourta-samagama, pièce du théâtre hindou en deux actes”, Revue Orientale et Algérienne 3, 1852, 466-489.

De l’Inde et sa littérature. P. 1852 (article in Revue de l’Orient); Naturalisme du Rig-Véda et son influence sur la société indienne. 33 p. P. 1852; La legende des Pandavas, d’après le Maha­bharata. 25 p. P. 1853 (from L’Université catholique 16); La Bhagavad-Gita. Étude de philosophie indienne. P. 1861 (Revue orientale et americaine 1861, 285-302).

Eternité et la consommation des temps. c. 370 p. P. 1854; Sur l’universalité du Déluge de Noé. 1-2. 126 p. P. 1859; Mémoire sur le monothéisme primitif. 70 p. P. 1860.

Bouddha et le Bouddhisme. 188 p. P. 1857. Le bouddhisme, ses origines: Le Nirvâna. 190 p. P. 1874.

Examen critique du déchiffrement des inscriptions cunéiformes. 47 p. P. 1861.

Recherches sul la religion premiere de la race Indo-Iranienne. 172 p. P. 1872.

– “La doctrine de l’existence d’après les systèmes yoga, védânta et sânkhya”, Congr. int. des Orientalistes, Compte-rendu 2, P. 1875, 396-404; “Le rituel brâhmanique du Respect social”, according to Manu, in two parts, in Mém. de la Soc. d’Ethnographie 11, and in Congrès provincial des orientalistes français. Compte-rendu de la session inaugurale. Levallois 1874. P. 1875, 191-219.

La légende du Juif-errant. 82 p. P. 1877; L’histoire des rois mages. 132 p. P. 1878.

Inde française. L’histoire des origines et du développement des castes de l’Inde. 112 p. P. 1884.

– “Les doctrines cosmogoniques et philosophiques de l’Inde”, Le Muséon 5, 1886, 68-78; Le Rāmāyaṇa au point de vue religieux, philosophique et moral. 235 p. A.M.G. 13. 1888.

Articles and books about the Old Testament, about German literature, philosophy, etc.

Sources: Grand Dictionnaire Universel 15, n.d. (c. 1873); only years and list of works in Wikipedia; early details in http://www.schö also showing some uncertain points in his background.

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