BELTRAMI, Arnaldo. 1.9.1862 — 19??. Italian Classical Scholar interested in Indology. Ph.D. 1885 Turin. He was a schoolteacher (Professor) of Latin and Greek in Messina, then in 1896–1931 at R. Liceo Galvani in Bologna, and a Docent of Greek at Bologna University.
Publications: Diss. Il grecismo nella sintassi latina. 91 p. Turin 1885.
– Hariçcandro: episodio del Mârkaṇḍeya-Purâṇa, lettura 7a ed 8a. 11+42 p. 1888.
– Gl’inni di Callimaco e il Nomo di Terpandro, saggi di studi callimachei. 42 p. Florence 1896 and many other studies on classical philology, the history of the Bologna school.
Sources: Gli Studi Orientali in Italia 1861–1911, 223; De Gubernatis, Dict. des écrivains latins 1905;; Not in the DBI., no works in the N.U.C.
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