LEYDEN, Rudolf von. Berlin 8.8.1908 — Vienna 25.3.1983. German Geologist. Son of Victor von Leyden, a lawyer. As a geologist travelled in India and became interested in art, especially in playing cards. Fleeing Nazis as a Marxist he settled in Bombay (1940-53) socializing with Indian artists and making modern Indian art known as a critic. He had completed his Ph.D. at Göttingen in 1933, but was deprived the degree because of emigration. From 1968 living in Vienna. His extensive collection of playing cards he left to the Vienna Museum für Völkerkunde.
Publications: Indische Spielkarten. Inventarkatalog der indischen Sammlung des Deutschen Spielkartenmuseums. 155 p. ill. Leinfelden-Echterdingen 1977.
– “Mythologische Thematik in indischen Spielkarten im Vergleich zu den Quellen”, WZKS 24, 1980, 181-189, 1 pl. (Avatāras).
– Die Welt der indischen Spielkarten: Geschichte, Systematik und Herstellung mit eiem Katalog der Sammlung des Museums für Völkerkunde, Wien. 159 p. Veröff. zum Archiv für Völkerkunde 8. Vienna 1981.
– Ganjifa: the playing cards of India. A general survey with a catalogue of the Victoria and Albert Museum collection. 16+128 p. 8 pl. L. [1982].
Sources: Tarot Biography homepage; www.geobiologie.uni-goettingen.de.
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