BENNETT, Charles Henry Allan (Ananda Metteyya Thera). London 8.12.1872 — London 9.3.1923. British Bauddha. Son of an engineer, lost early his father, educated in Bath. Studied science (analytical chemistry). Became interested in Buddhism in 1890 after reading Arnold’s The Light of Asia. In 1898 arrived in Ceylon in order to become monk, ordained in 1901 (the second Britishman ordained as a Buddhist). In 1902 moved to Burma, where he founded with E. Rost a society with journal, The Buddhist, in order to propagate Buddhism in Britain. In 1908 he returned to Britain as the head of the Buddhist Mission (until his death, his successor was Francis J. Payne). Founded The Buddhist Review as its organ. Learned, but not very popular speaker.
Publications: An outline of Buddhism; or, religion of Burma. 54 p. Rangoon 1911, German transl. Breslau 1911; The Wisdom of the Aryas. 29+147 p. L. 1923; further articles and booklets on Buddhism; collection The Religion of Burma and other papers. 438 p. Madras 1929.
Sources: Harris 2006, 148ff.; Peiris, Buddhism, 60f. with picture; works in the N.U.C. Not in Br. Biogr. Archives 1st & 2nd Series (as Bennett); Wikipedia with photo and further references.
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