LANGENHOVE, George van

LANGENHOVE, George Charles van. Lokeren, East Flanders 19.3.1892 — Ghent 14.7.1943 (when 51). Belgian Linguist (Anglist and Germanist). Educated in Amsterdam, studies at Ghent (mainly Germanic). M.A. 1919. Worked as teacher. Ph.D. 1925 (diss. on English). From 1926 taught at Ghent, from 1930 Ord. Professor of General, IE and Germanic Linguistics and of Sanskrit at Ghent University.

Publications: Wrote on linguistics, e.g. Linguistische Studiën. 1-3. Rijksunwersitet te Gent, Werken uitgegeven door Faculteit van de Wijsbegeerte en Letteren 77, 87 & 100. 1936-39-46 (2. Essais de linguistique indo-européenne; 3. a. Essais de Linguistique Generale. b. Le Semanteme Indo-Europeen).

Sources: R. Derolez, 323-325 (in Dutch) with bibliography and photo in; Indogerm. Jb. 28, 1949 (note); not in D.N.B. 1-44, Nat. Biogr. Woordenb. 1-14, Le Dict. des Belges.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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