FAIANI, Antonio

FAIANI, Antonio. 17.8.1859 — 19??. Italian School-Teacher interested in Indology. Director of R. Liceo-Ginnasio Massimo d’Azeglio in Turin. Perhaps lived into an advanced age. But sources are contradictory. One Antonio Faiani of Verona has life years 1859–1933. However, Pullé in OC 10, 1894, 2:10 ascribes the Meghadūta to the Director of Liceo of Ferrara and the Corriere Abruzzese (http://www.abruzzoinmostra.it/corriere/ultima-dimora/PAG0829–.HTM), referring to the Corriere della Sera, announces the death of this A.F. in Rovigo 8.1.1896 adding that before Ferrara he had been teacher of Italian in Abruzzo and Aquila.

Publications: “Due capitoli che agevolano la lettura del testo del Meghadūta di Kālidāsa”, Preludio di Ancona 1884, nos. 7, 20, 21.

Meghadūta di Kālidāsa, traduzione pubbliccata per nozze Gerunzi-Castagnini, Verona 25 sett. 1885; Lo stesso in SFII 1-3, 1898-99.

There are writings on Italian literature (Dante, Carducci) by A.F., perhaps the same?

Sources: Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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