MANDELBAUM, David Goodman. Chicago 22.8.1911 — Berkeley 19.4.1987. U.S, Anthropologist. Studies at Northwestern University (B.A. 1932). Ph.D. 1936 Yale, under E. Sapir. After a short time at University of Minnesota in war service in South-East Asia. From 1946 Associate Professor, then Professor and chairman of Anthropology Dept. at University of California in Berkeley. Retired 1978. While his early studies dealt with the Apaches and the Plains Crees of Saskatchewan (the subject of his diss.), he soon turned to South Asia, accompanying Emeneau to the Nilgiris in 1937 to study the relationship of Kotas and Todas. Married Ruth Weiss, children.
Publications: “The Jewish Way of Life in Cochin”, Jewish Social Studies 1, 1939, 423-460; other articles.
– Edited: E. Sapir: Selected Writings on Language, Culture and Personality. 16+617 p. Berkeley 1949.
– Society in India: Continuity and Change. 1–2. 716 p. Berkeley 1970.
– Human Fertility in India: Social Components and Policy Perspectives. 124 p. Berkeley 1974; Women’s Seclusion and Men’s Honor: Sex Roles in North India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. 18+153 p. Tucson 1988.
– A number of works not related with India.
Sources: Wikipedia; official obituary by Berreman, Emeneau and Foster in; photo in
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