BERNHEIMER, Carlo. Leghorn 3.9.1877 — 1966. Italian (Jewish) Indologist and Palaeographist. From Leghorn, studies at Bologna (Pullé), graduated 1896/97. Taught from 1906 as Docent of Sanskrit at University of Bologna, also taught palaeography, dismissed in 1938 because of Fascist racial laws, restored 1945. Stopped publication after the heavy criticism of Jacobi (in ZDMG) and later apparently left Indology. Instead, he turned to Hebrew in 1913 and taught it at Bologna.
Publications: “Note vediche”, GSAI 15, 1902, 151-167; “Über die vakrokti. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der indischen Poetik”, ZDMG 63, 1909, 797–821 (further, in response to Jacobi, in 64, 1910, 586-590 & 65, 1911, 308-311).
– Piccola grammatica vedica compilata per uso delle scuole italiane. Florence 1905.
– Il Sûryaçatakam di Mayûra. Introduzione, Traduzione e Note. 42 p. Leghorn 1905.
– Paleografia ebraica. 19+423 p. 30 pl. Florence 1924; catalogues of Hebrew manuscripts in Leghorn (1915) Ambrosiana (Milano, 1933) and Modena (1960).
– L’Arabia antica e la sua poesia. 466 p. Naples 1966; other works on Semitic.
Sources: Gli studi orientali 1861-1911 (but in fascist period ignored by Porru!); Franci 1991, 210f.;;; Not in the D.B.I.
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