BERNOULLI, Jean (Johann)

BERNOULLI, Johann. Basel 4.11.1744 — Berlin-Köpenick 13.7.1807. Swiss Scientist interested in India. Born in the family of famous mathematicians, himself a noted astronomer and called Johann III as the third scholar of this name in the family (his father was Johann II, mother Susanna König). Studies of law at Basel (lic. iuris 1763) and mathematics under his father and uncle (Johann and Daniel B.). From 1763 member of the Berlin AW, from 1791 Director of its Mathematical section. Also a geographer. From 1767 also Royal Astronomer and director of observatory. Travelled much in Europe. Married Sophie Carolina von Tempelhof, then with Veronika Beck, one son with the first.

Publications: Translated from Latin, French and English: Des Paters Josef Tieffenthaler’s … historisch-geographische Beschreibung von Hindustan. Ferner des Herrn Anquetil du Perron’s historische und chronologische Abh., wie auch des Herrn Jacob Rennell General-Charte von Indien, endlich noch verschiedene andere Zusätze und viele Anmerkungen des Herausgebers. B. & 1-2. Gotha 1785–86.

Large scientific production, own travel book, etc.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; F. Nagel in Web HistLexSchweiz; Wikipedia (with portrait, more details in French version), also Wikipedia with portrait, also Wikipedia on Bernoulli family.

Last Updated on 12 months by Admin


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