PIGGOTT, Stuart Ernest. Petersfield, Hampshire 28.5.1910 — 23.9.1996. British Archaeologist. Son of G. H. P. Piggott, a teacher. After Churcher’s College worked from 1927 at Reading Museum, where he learned Neolithic pottery and soon evolved an archaeologist. Excavated several Wessex sites. Formal diplom only 1936 from London Institute of Archaeology (Wheeler). During the war worked as an air photo interpreter, posted in India, in free hours studied local archaeology. After the war at Oxford and from 1948 Professor of Archaeology at Edinburgh, now again working on English and European archaeology. Married Cecily Margaret Preston (1912–1994, divorce 1956), also an archaeologist, no children.
Publications: Some Ancient Cities of India. 102 p. L. 1946.
– “The chronology of Prehistoric North-West India”, Ancient India 1, 1946, 8-26; “A new prehistoric ceramic form from Baluchistan”, Ancient India 3, 1947, 131-142; “Notes on certain metal pins and a mace-head in the Harappā Culture”, Ancient India 4, 1947-48, 26-40, and further articles.
– Prehistoric India to 1000 B.C. 293 p. 8 pl. 32 text fig. Harmondsworth 1950.
– Wagon, chariot and carriage. Symbol and status in the history of transport. 184 p. 33 ill. L. 1992.
– Much on English archaeology.
Sources: Wikipedia with photo and further references.
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