BODE, Mabel Kate Haynes (née Haynes). 28.10.1864 — Shaftesbury, Dorset 20.1.1922. British Indologist (Pāli scholar). Daughter of Robert William Haynes, a lawyer. Educated at Notting Hill High School. In 1888 married William Ernest Bode, an actor known as Milton Bode, but after four years they lived no longer together. From 1891 studied Pāli under T. W. Rhys Davids, then in 1894 at Bern University under Müller-Hess, 1895 under Bendall in London and 1896 under Lévi, Henry and Finot in Paris, where she lived with interruptions until 1908. In 1897 she went again to Bern, Ph.D. there 1898. Then further studies in 1904 at Pisa (Formichi) and again (still 1904) in Paris under Lévi (or 1904-06 in Pisa?). From 1909 Assistant Lecturer, 1911-17 Lecturer at the University College, London, from 1917 until her death lecturer of Pāli at S.O.A.S. (but apparently no longer taught after 1918 because of health problems). She was the first woman to publish an article in the JRAS in 1893. Contributed material to the P.T.S. dictionary. Taught Sanskrit to Gustav Holst.
Publications: “Woman Leaders of the Buddhist Reformation”, JRAS 1893, 517-566 & 763-798 (with many extracts from the Manorathapūraṇī ed. & transl.).
– Compiled indices to the Gandhavamsa, JPTS 1896, 53-86, “Index to Pāli words discussed in translations”, JPTS 1897-1901, 1-42, and index to the Śikṣāsamuccaya, 1897-1902.
– Edited: Sāsanavaṁsa. 4+190 p. P.T.S. L. 1897 (by Paññasāmi); “The author of the Sāsanavaṁsa”, JRAS 1899, 674-676.
– Diss. A Burmese historian of Buddhism. 68 p. Woking [1898] (on Paññāsāmi).
– The Pāli Literature of Burma. 134 p. L. 1909.
– “Early Pāli Grammarians in Burma”, JPTS 1908, 81-101; “The legend of Raṭṭhapâla in the Pâli Apadâna and Buddhaghosa’s commentary”, Mélanges Lévi 1911, 183-192.
– Transl. with W. Geiger: Mahāvaṁsa, or, the Great Chronicle of Ceylon. 64+300 p. L. P.T.S. 1912.
– With C. A. F. Rhys Davids et al. Index vol. (Vol. 4) to Majjhima-Nikāya. 7+183 p. L. P.T.S. 1925.
– Reviews in the JRAS (e.g. C. A. F. Rhys Davids’ Buddhism in 1913, 201-209).
Sources: L. Finot, BEFEO 22, 1922, 401f.; C. Mary Ridding, JRAS 1922, 307f.; Wikipedia. Not in the Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st & 2nd Series.
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