BREEKS, James Wilkinson. Warcop, Westmoreland 5.3.1830 — Ootacamund 7.6.1872. British Civil Servant and Ethnologist in India. Son of Richard Breeks and Elizabeth Wilkinson, educated at Haileybury. Arrived at Madras in 1849, served in revenue and financial departments. In 1861-64 Private Secretary to Governor William Denison (whose daughter he married 1863), then in England because of health problems. From 1867 Commissioner of the Nilgiris. “In 1871 he was called upon to make collections of objects among the aboriginal tribes for the Indian Museum, Calcutta. He fell ill and died.” Husband of —> Susan Maria Breeks (née Denison), three sons and one daughter. His Nilagiri account covers the Todas, Kotas, Kurumbas, and Irulas.
Publications: An Account of the Primitive tribes and monuments of the Nilagiris. Ed. by his widow. 137 p. 82 ill. L. 1873.
– “Notes on Indian Currencies”, MJLS 17 (N.S. 1), 1856-57, 21-56 (historical); “On Indian Weights and Measures”, MJLS 21 (5), 1859-60, 16-27.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary (no further ref. in Br. Biogr. Arch.); A.J.A[rbuthnot], D.N.B. 6, 1886, 252f.; Wikipedia (with portrait); The County Families of the United Kingdom. 6th ed.; various genealogical sites (e.g.
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