SALVIONI, Carlo. Bellinzona 3.3.1858— Milano 20.10.1920. Swiss Linguist in Italy. Professor in Milano. Son of Carlo Salvioni, a printer and book-dealer, and Martina Borsa. Educated in Lugano (knew there M. Bakunin). Studies at Basel, soon changed medicine into linguistics and in 1878 went to Leipzig. Ph.D. 1883 there under Brugmann. In 1885-89 PD at Turin. In 1890-1902 Professor of Comparative Linguistics and Neo-Latin Languages at Pavia (ord. 1895). From 1902 Ascoli’s successor as Professor ord. of Linguistics and incaricato of Sanskrit at R. Accademia Scientifico-Letteraria in Milano. Married 1892 Enrichetta Taveggia, two sons (both died in WW I).

Salvioni’s main work was the large collection of Ticino dialect. It was continued by others and its publication as Vocabolario dei dialetti della Svizzera italiana began in 1952. In his published works apparently never dealt with IE and Indian linguistics..

Publications: Diss. Fonetica del dialetto moderno della città di Milano. 305 p. Rome 1884.

Gli scritti linguistici. Edited by G. Loporcano.1-5. Bellinzona 2008.

Sources: *R. Broggini: Carlo Salvioni 1858–1920. Bellinzona 1958; S. Lubello, D.B.I. 90, 2017 (online, with Italian references); M. Loporcano, Hist. Lex. der Schweiz online 2012; Wikipedia (some further references in German version); photo in

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