SÃO MIGUEL, Gaspar de

SÃO MIGUEL, Gaspar de. 1595? — 1647. Father. Born in Portugal. Franciscan priest and missionary in India.

Publications: Manuscript works: Arte da lingoa Canarim (lost?); Dictionarium et ars lingua Canarinae; Vocabulario da Lingua Portugues e Canari.

Sintaxis copiosissima na lingoa Bramana e Pollida: a syntax of standard Konkani. 154 p. Bombay 1968

A collection of sermons; an apologetic work describing and refuting Hindu religion (also manuscripts?).

Sources: Indica 6, 1969, 101ff.; O. Zwartjes, Portuguese Missionary Grammars in Asia, Africa and Brazil, 1550-1800. Amsterdam & Philadelphia 2011, 274.

Last Updated on 5 months by Admin


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