SAVIDGE, Frederick W.

SAVIDGE, Frederick William (“Sap Upa”). Stretham near Ely, Cambridgeshire 3.5.1862 — London 26/28.9.1936. Rev. British Baptist Missionary in North-East India. Son of Briggs Savidge, a grocer and draper. B.A., Ph.D. Worked as schoolteacher in London. Arrived in India in 1891. Together with his friend J. H. Lorrain he became the first missionary in what is now Mizoram in 1894. In 1897 both moved to Arunachal Pardesh and returned to Mizoram in 1904. Together they developed the literary form of the Mizo language, then called Lushai. Retired in 1925 because of health problems and spent his last years in London, often ill. Married Margaret Grant (1861–1933), at least one son.

Publications: With J. H. Lorrain: A grammar and dictionary of the Lushai language  (Dulien dialect). 346 p. Shillong 1898.

A grammar and dictionary of the Lakher language. 210 p. Allahabad 1908.

– Part of the N.T. translated into Mizo, Christian texts.

Sources: Wikipedia with photo; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 5 months by Admin


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