RIX, Helmut

RIX, Helmut. Amberg 4.7.1926 — Colmar, Alsace 3.12.2004. German Linguist (IE and Italic). Son of a teacher, Hans Rix and his wife Susanne. In WW II served in navy, then studies of IE, classics and history at Würzburg and Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1950 Heidelberg. In 1951-55 Assistant of Krahe at Tübingen, in 1955-59 taught Latin and Greek at Lutheran Augustana Divinity School in Neuendettelsau. PD 1959 Tübingen (diss. on Etruscan). In 1966-82 Professor at Regensburg, then at Freiburg i.Br. In 1993 retired because of an illness. Died in a traffic accident. Married Emilie Figge, two sons and one daughter.
Publications: Diss. Bausteine zu einer Hydronymie Alt-Italiens. 1950 (Manuscript?).
– Much on Italic and Etruscan, e.g. Rätisch und Etruskisch. 67 p. Innbr. Beitr. zur Sprachwiss., Vorträge 68. Innsbruck 1998.
– With M. Kümmel: Lexicon der indogermanischen Verben. 754 p. Wb. 1998, rev. 2nd ed. 823 p. 2001.
Kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von G. Meiser. 26+428 p. Bremen 2001.
Sources: D.G.K. 17th ed. 1996; *G. Meiser (ed.), Indogermanica et Italica. Festschrift für Helmut Rix zum 65. Geburtstag. 506 p. Innsbr. Beiträge zur Sprachwiss. 72. Innsbruck 1993; Wikipedia with photo; prabook.com.

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