DE VINCENTIIS, Gherardo. 1845 — 1907. Italian Iranian (Persian) Scholar, also interested in Sanskrit and China. Studies at Naples under Lignana. Professor of Persian at Regio Istituto Orientale di Napoli: incaricato 1878, eo. 1890, ord. 1904-07. Publications: Il Gulistan, ossia il Roseto dello Scheich Sadi di Schiraz. Prima versione italiana…

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DERVICHIAN, Serope (Seraphin Dervischjan). 1846 — 1899. Armenian Linguist. Mekhitarist, studied at Vienna, mainly Sanskrit and Pehlevi. Hübschmann wrote very negative review of his book (ZDMG 30, 1876, 774-779). Publications: Armeniaka. 1. Das altarmenische “k”. Ein Beitrag zur indo-europäischen Lautlehre. 117 p. Vienna 1877; La langue primitive indo-européenne. 1885 (???).…

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DEROMPS, Mathilde

DEROMPS, Mathilde. 1892 — 19??. Belgian Physician. In 1911-14 studied under J. Bloch at E.P.H.E., but also medical studies in Paris (diss. on syphilis 1917). Then left for Iran and became director of a women’s hospital in Teheran, where Bazin-Foucher met her in 1921. Publications: Vingt-cinq récits du mauvais génie, traduits…

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DEPREE, George Charles

DEPREE, George Charles (De Prée). 1832? — Jersey 18.2.1887. British Colonial Officer in India. From 1848 at Addiscombe, joined Bengal Artillery in 1851. In 1854 joined the Survey Department and worked long in Ganjam district. As Captain in the 1860s conducted topographical survey of Chota Nagpur. Major 1868, in the 1870s Colonel,…

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DEHON, Paul. Maurage, Hainaut 29.8.1856 — Rajhara, Daltonganj 27.6.1905. Father. S.J. Belgian Missionary in India. Joined Jesuits in 1876. Ordained priest 1882. To India in 1883, from 1889 worked in Kurukh (Oraon) mission. Publications: “Religion and Customs of the Uraons”, MASB 1:9, 1906, 121-181. Sources: P. Tete in La Civiltà…

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DECOURDEMANCHE, Jean-Adolphe. Paris 24.3.1844 — Paris 15.10.1916. French Pseudohistorian and Turkish Translator. No details of his life available. Publications: “La légende d’Alexandre chez les musulmans”, RHR 6, 1882, 98-112. – Études sur les racines Arabes, Sanscrites et Turques. 118 p. P. 1898. – Grammaire du Tchingané ou langue des Bohémiens…

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DAY, Charles Russell

DAY, Charles Russell. Eton, Buckinghamshire ?.4.1860 — Paardeberg, South Africa 18.2.1900. British Colonial Officer. Son of Rev. Russell Day, a Rector, and Maria Isabella Knowlys. Educated at Etona, joined the army in 1880. In 1882 joined Oxfordshire Light Infantry and soon left for India, where he used his free time sudying…

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DAWSON, James. Dunblane, Pertshire 29.9.1832 — 1885. Rev. British Missionary in India. Ordained 1864 in Edinburgh and left for India. First in Nagpur and from 1869 worked for the Free Church of Scotland among Gonds in Chindwara, served there until death. Married. Publications: “Gondi Words and Phrases”, JASB 39:1, 1870,…

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DAVY, John

DAVY, John. Penzance 24.5.1790 — Ambleside, Cumbria 24.1.1868. British Physician and Chemist in Colonial Service. Son of Robert D. (died c. 1795) and Grace Millet. Educated in Helston and Barnstaple. Studies of chemistry in London and medicine at Edinburgh (M.D. 1815). Joined Army Medical Forces and served in Brussels and…

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