SHARPE, Eric John. Lancaster 19.9.1933 — Sydney 19.10.2000. British Scholar of Comparative Religion in Australia. Born in a working class family in the middle of the great depression, but won a stipendium to Royal Lancaster Grammar School. In his teenshe  became close to Methodist church and began studies at Hartley…

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SEYMOUR, Lionel W.

SEYMOUR, Lionel William. Bombay 6.12.1855 — Surrey 15.4.1936. British Physician in India. Son of the elder L. W. Seymour, a colonial officer, and Catharine Burton. Worked in Bombay Civil Service, in 1905 returned to the U.K. Worked as physician. Married 1890 in Karachi Amy Elizabeth Clark, four sons. Publications: A Grammar of…

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SETON-KARR, Walter Scott

SETON-KARR, Walter Scott. 23.1.1822 — West Brompton, London 22.11.1910. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Andrew Seton-Karr (d. 1832), of Roxburghshire (Scotland) and formerly of I.C.S., and Alicia Anne Rawlinson. He was a godson of Walter Scott. Educated at Rugby. Served from 1848 in Bengal in judicial and political offices.…

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SELL, Edward

SELL, Edward. Wantage, Berkshire 24.1.1839 — Bangalore 15.2.1932. Rev. British Missionary in India. Son of William John Sell. Educated at Church Missionary College in Islington, London. Ordained deacon 1862, priest 1867. In 1865-81 Principal of Harris High School for Muslims in Madras, 1880-1905 Secretary of Church Missionary Society in Madras. B.D.…

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SEIDEL, August

SEIDEL, August. Helmstedt 29.9.1863 — 1916. German Linguist and Ethnologist. In 1889-1903 General Secretary of Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft in Berlin. Publications: Theoretisch-praktische Grammatik der Hindustani-Grammatik, mit Übungsstücke in arabischer Schrift, und ein deutsch–hindustani Wörterbuch. 194 p. Die Kunst der Polyglottie. Vienna & Pest & Lp. 1893. – Praktisches Handbuch der arabischen Umgangssprache ägyptischen Dialekts.…

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SEBASTIANI, Leopoldo. Rome 1770 — Rome 5.9.1843. Father. Italian Missionary. Son of Vincenzo S. Worked as sub-librarian in Vatican before taking missionary career, working for Propaganda Fide. Before 1821 he had spent ten years in Turkey and, after a brief sejour in Rome, five in Persia and Afghanistan (1803-1808) and…

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SCRAFTON, Luke. 1732 (?) — at sea near Cape of Good Hope 1770. Britishman in E.I.C.’s service. In 1756 in Dacca prisoner of the Nawab of Bengal. Then assisted Clive. After the Battle of Plassey Resident at Durbar of Murshidabad, then in Calcutta Council. Back in the U.K. one of…

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SCOTT, James George

SCOTT, James George. Dairsie, Fife 25.12.1851 — Petworth, West Sussex 4.4.1935. Sir. British (Scottish) Civil Servant and Journalist in Burma. Son of George Scott (1800–1861), a Presbyterian minister, and Mary Forsythe. Lost early his father, educated in Stuttgart and Cambridge. The loss of family fortune forced him to interrupt his…

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SCHULZE, Friedrich Volkmar Paul

SCHULZE, Friedrich Volkmar Paul (Frederick Volkomor P. Schulze). 18?? — 19??. Rev. German (?) Missionary in India (still there in 1931). Publications: A grammar of the Kuvi language. 252 p. Madras 1911. – The Religion of the Kuvi-Konds. 100 p. Madras 1912. – Vocabulary of the Kuvi-Kond Language with short Sentences on General Subjects…

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