NORRIS, William

NORRIS, William. 1654? — on sea 10.10.1702. Sir, First Bart. (1898). British Diplomat. Son of Thomas Norris of Speke Hall, Lancashire, and Katherine Garraway. M.P. for Liverpool 1695-1701 (Whig, succeeded his elder brother). In 1698-1702 he led an embassy to Aurangzeb for both William III and the New E.I.C. without…

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MASTER, Streynsham

MASTER, Streynsham. Langdon, Kent 28.10.1640 — Lancashire 28.4.1724. Sir. British Colonial Administrator in India. Son of Richard Langdon. Served long in Surat, then in Masulipatam and Bengal and in 1678-81 as Company’s Agent in Madras. Returned in 1692 and bought Codnor Castle estate in Derbyshire. Married Elizabeth Leigh, two sons…

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HAVART, Daniel

HAVART, Daniel. Amsterdam (or Utrecht?) 29.12.1650 (?) — Rotterdam ?.6.1724. Dutch Physician, 1672-85 in India. Son of Servaes H. (d. 1666), a physician, and Elisabeth Vermeer. Studies at Utrecht. In 1671 left for Batavia, 1672-85 living in Coromandel (Paliacatta, Masulipatnam) and Golconda. Returned to Utrecht, M.D. there 1691. From 1703…

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GUERREIRO, Fernão. Almodôvar 1550? — 1617. S.J. Father. Portuguese Jesuit Historian. Studied at Evora. For a while Rector in Funchal, Madeira, then in Bragança and Evora, finally Superior of the Jesuit congregation in Lisbon. His Relaçam continued Luis de Guzman’s account of the Jesuit mission in China and Japan (1601), but…

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FARIA Y SOUSA, Manuel de

FARIA Y SOUSA, Manuel de. Pombeiro 18.3.1590 — Madrid 3.6.1649. Portuguese Historian and Poet. Born of an ancient noble family, educated in Braga, from c. 1604 in the service of the Bishop of Porto. In 1631-34 member of Portuguese embassy in Rome, then mainly living in Madrid. Married Catarina Machado. Often wrote…

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VINCENZO MARIA DI SANTA CATERINA DA SIENA (lay Antonio Murchio di Bormio). Bormio, Lombardy 1626 — Rome 5.11.1679. Father. Italian Carmelite, Procurator of his order. In 1656 sent by Pope Alexander VII and Propaganda Fide to India to inspect Catholic mission in Goa and Kerala. Used land route via Turkey and Persia. Returned via Muskat to Rome…

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VALENTIJN, François (Franciscus). Dordrecht 17.4.1666 — the Hague 6.8.1727. Dutch Priest and Naturalist. Son of school director Abraham V. and Maria Rijsbergen. Studied theology and philosophy at Leiden and Utrecht. From 1684 spent 16 years as minister in Dutch Indonesia, mainly in Ambon, where he befriended with Rumphius. After ten…

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RUBINO, Giovanni Antonio

RUBINO, Giovanni Antonio. Strambino (Turin) 1.3.1578 — Mount Unzen (Nagasaki), Japan 16.3.1643. S.J. Italian Missionary in India. Novice 1596, studies in Milano. Sailed from Lisbon in 1602. Ordained priest 1605 in Goa. Worked in Jesuit academies in Goa, Madras (1613-17), Cochin (1617-19, 1627-37), Colombo (1619-23), and Tuticorin (1623-27), teaching mathematics, soon also…

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RHEEDE TOT DRAKENSTEIN, Hendrik Adrian van. Utrecht 13.4.1636 — on sea off Bombay 15.12.1691. Dutch Colonial Administrator and Botanist. Son of Ernst van Rheede and Elisabeth van Utenhove (d. 1637), a noble family, lost early his both parents. In 1656 joined Dutch E.I.C. as a soldier and went to India. In 1670-76 Governor…

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POITIERS, Thomas de

POITIERS, Thomas de. 16?? — ?.4.1742. Father. French Capuchin Missionary in India. Arrived in India in the 1690s, in 1715 in Madras. Supérieur of Capuchin missions on Coromandel coast in Pondichérey from before 1733 until death. He was involved in the quarrels between Jesuits and Capuchins. Publications: Le Paganisme des Indiens…

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