YOUNG, Gerard Mackworth

YOUNG, Gerard Mackworth. 7.4.1884 — 28.11.1965. British Civil Servant in India, then archaeologist in Greece. Son of Sir William Mackworth Young (1840–1924) of I.C.S. and Frances Mary Egerton. Educated at Eton College, studied classics at King’s College, Cambridge. Joined I.C.S. 1907 and was assigned to the Punjab. Deputy Commissioner of…

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WORLITZKY, Franz. 1??? — 19??. Austrian Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1931 Vienna. Publications: Diss. Die Ādityas und ihre Beziehungen zu den anderen Göttern des vedischen Pantheons. Manuscript, Vienna 1931. Sources:  Diss. in Janert; nothing further information found.

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WODILLA, Paul. 4.3.1903 — 7.3.1982. Slovakian student of Indologyin Germany. Gymnasium in Kežmarok, matriculated 1922. Then studied theology and philosophy at Bratislava, in 1926 moved to Erlangen. Ph.D. 1928 Erlangen. Then returned to Czechoslovakia, but 1946 moved to Karlsruhe. There he was working in town administration (Stadtrat 1959-71). Publications: Diss. Niedere…

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WLASCHIM, Katharina

WLASCHIM, Katharina. Vienna 14.2.1902 — Detroit ?.5.1984. Ph.D. 1927 Vienna. Her surname points to Czech (Vlašim). Daughter of Dagobert Wlaschim (born in Prague) and Bertha Baumgartl, married Fritz Flesch (1903–1981), moved with him to Detroit. Publications: Diss. Studien zu den indogermanischen Ausdrücken für ‘geben’ und ‘nehmen’. Manuscript. Vienna 1927. Sources: Diss. in…

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WAYMAN, Alex. Chicago 11.1.1921 — New York 22.9.2004. U.S. Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in New York. During WW II served in the army, over three years in the Philippines, Okinawa, and Australia (also studies at University of Queensland). Studied Mathematics at U.C.L.A.: B.A. 1948, M.A. 1949. Then from 1952…

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SCERRATO, Umberto. 4.11.1928 — 19.2.2004. Italian Archaeologist and Art Historian. Taught at Naples. Worked on Islamic and Iranian regions, alo participated in Swat excavations. To his memory is dedicated the Museo Orientale Umberto Scerrato in Naples, opened in 2012. Publications: Arte islamica a Napoli. 16+208 p. Napoli 1968; other writings…

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SADOC, Lemuel

SADOC, Lemuel. 1??? — ????. Student of Indian Thought in Germany. M.A. Ph.D. 1924 Frankfurt. Then Professor at St.Stephen’s College in Delhi. Publications: Diss. Der Pantheismus und das Problem des Wertes der Wirklichkeit. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der indischen Philosophie. Manuscript of 2+124 p. Frankfurt 1924. – Zarina: a romance of India.…

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ROST, Ernest

ROST, Ernest Reinhold. Ealing, London 22.8.1872 — Putney, London 23.6.1930. British Physician and Bauddha in Burma. Lieutenant-colonel (1915). Son of German parents, —> Ernst Reinhold Rost (1822–1896) and Minna Laue. Educated at Highgate School and at St.Mary’s. M.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P. 1895, joined Indian Medical Service 1896. Worked as civil surgeon…

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RIX, Helmut

RIX, Helmut. Amberg 4.7.1926 — Colmar, Alsace 3.12.2004. German Linguist (IE and Italic). Son of a teacher, Hans Rix and his wife Susanne. In WW II served in navy, then studies of IE, classics and history at Würzburg and Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1950 Heidelberg. In 1951-55 Assistant of Krahe at Tübingen,…

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O’BRIEN, Paul W.

O’BRIEN, Paul Wilfred. 23.5.1908 — 9.2.2001. S.J. U.S. Missionary and Buddhist Scholar. Catholic Priest. From California, joined S.J. in 1925, ordained 1938. First went to China as missionary in 1932, then returned for studies. Ph.D. 1941 University of California, Berkeley. From 1945 Superior of California Jesuits in China. In 1953…

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