ROSS, Aileen D.

ROSS, Aileen Dansken. Montreal 1902 — 1995. Canadian Sociologist. Born of a wealthy family. Studies at London School of Economics (B.Sc. 1939) and University of Chicago (M.A. 1941). Ph.D. 1951 Chicago (diss. on Anglo-French relations in Canada). In 1942-45 Lecturer in Sociology at Toronto. From 1944 Lecturer, 1951 Assistant Professor,…

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STRATTON, Alfred William

STRATTON, Alfred William. Toronto 25.6.1866 — Gulmarg, Kashmir 23.8.1902 (when 38). Canadian Indologist in India. Graduated in 1887 from the University of Toronto. In 1887-92 taught classics at Hamilton Collegiate Institute. In 1892 began study of Sanskrit and IE at Johns Hopkins (Bloomfield). Fellow at Johns Hopkins 1893, taught Sanskrit…

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ROBINSON, Richard H.

ROBINSON, Richard H. Carstairs, Alberta 21.6.1926 — Madison 6.8.1970. Canadian Buddhist Scholar in the U.S.A. Professor in Madison. Son of a farmer, of Scottish-Irish ancestry. Educated in Carstairs, learned Chinese from a Chinese friend. In 1944-47 studies of economics, French and German at Uni­ver­sity of Alberta (B.A. 1947), then Chinese,…

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